Friday, May 8, 2009

Back From Lazy World.

Hey guys, it's awhile since I last wrote a blog. For the past few week, I was kind of been tight up with my personal problems. And it actually makes me felt very uncomfortable with myself, friends, and of course my parents and people who cares about me.

Sorry that I can't discuss it in here, because it's very sensitive. So it's good to actually back on blogging now. For the latest incident, is that I had decided resign from my current job in Jobs DB Malaysia as Business Development Executive. It's a mixture of feeling, there sad part and the happy part for me. The Sad part is that I'm going to leave a group of nice people behind to move forward. This group of people is the group of people who had actually make me stay for almost a year in Jobs DB Malaysia. The Happy part of me is that I'm going to move forward in my life.

But the sad part had actually overwhelming the happy part, but I have to stand strong. Someone once told me, every choice you made comes with a price. The price might be huge, but so do the choice that you made. In the world nothing comes easy or free.

For the next few blogs that going to be post on my post until the month end will be all about the experiences I have in Jobs DB Malaysia. Everything happens in Jobs DB Malaysia. Stay Tune~~